Harriet Leonard
HARRIET LEONARD graduated from the Otago Polytechnic School of Fine Art in 2019 with a Bachelor of Visual Arts. She was awarded the Bachelor of Visual Arts Award for Achievement in painting and was selected by the tutors and technicians as the winner of the 'Gordon Harris prize'. At her end of year art school exhibition - all of Harriets works sold out within the first 15 minutes of opening.
Her contemporary, abstract works explore colour, shape and form as a way to elicit a positive response within the viewer. She is inspired by colour, and the direct positive effect it can have on a person. She hopes to bring joy to your day through her use of bright, igniting colour and her rounded, organic shapes which bring a sense of 'grounding flow to her artworks.
The Artist's Room Gallery is thrilled to be able to represent Harriet & her incredible works - she certainly continues to be a favourite amongst clients with all of Harriet's works to date also selling not long after they reach the gallery walls!.